Building the Installer Packages

ClamAV's installer packages are compiled in a Jenkins CI environment in the Cisco-Talos development network. For each supported OS / packaging system / architecture, we have a computer (or VM) that maintains a copy of ClamAV's external library dependencies. These libraries are recompiled using Mussels any time there is a change to the recipes in our "clamav" Mussels cookbook.

Instructions follow for how you can build the installer packages in much the same way that we do.


Tip: Using an older version of Linux is best. ClamAV's only dependency will be on glibc, which is forwards compatible. That is to say that if you build the installer on an older version of Linux, it should install and run on a new version of Linux. The opposite is not true.

First, install Mussels:

python3 -m pip install --user mussels

Mussels also requires Git, so if you don't have that installed, install it now.

Now to use Mussels, run:

# This requires Git, and will clone the the "clamav" and "scrapbook" cookbooks.
msl up

# This is to enable running the scripts in the clamav cookbook to build the clamav dependencies.
msl cookbook trust -y clamav

# This is just to get you in a small directory so Mussels don't spend forever searching your harddrive for build recipes.
mkdir tmp && cd tmp

# First try a dry-run. If you're missing any tools, it will tell you.
# If you have everything, it will give you a list of the order it plans to build everything.
msl build -t host-static clamav_deps --dry-run

# Then do the build.
msl build -t host-static clamav_deps

Tip: On some systems you may encounter this error:

RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment. Consult for mitigation steps.

This system lists some UTF-8 supporting locales that you can pick from. The following suitable locales were discovered: en_AG.utf8, en_AU.utf8, en_BW.utf8, en_CA.utf8, en_DK.utf8, en_GB.utf8, en_HK.utf8, en_IE.utf8, en_IN.utf8, en_NG.utf8, en_NZ.utf8, en_PH.utf8, en_SG.utf8, en_US.utf8, en_ZA.utf8, en_ZM.utf8, en_ZW.utf8

To resolve this, pick a local and set it, like this:

export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8

After you've set LC_ALL to your desired locale, re-run the above msl commands. You should see it run Git to update the cookbooks without error.

So assuming you've now build the clamav dependencies, you should be ready to build ClamAV.

In a Git clone of the clamav source (or the extracted source tarball from a release), create a build subdirectory and open a terminal in that build directory.

Run the following...

Configure (generate the build system):

cmake .. \
    -D CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG=TRUE                                          \
    -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static"                         \
    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr/local"                                              \
    -D CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr/local"                                    \
    -D CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_RELEASE=1                                                 \
    -D CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE=1                                                    \
    -D CMAKE_MODULE_PATH="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/cmake"               \
    -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo                                                \
    -D ENABLE_EXAMPLES=OFF                                                            \
    -D ENABLE_MILTER=OFF                                                              \
    -D JSONC_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include/json-c"          \
    -D JSONC_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libjson-c.a"             \
    -D ENABLE_JSON_SHARED=OFF                                                         \
    -D BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include"                 \
    -D BZIP2_LIBRARY_RELEASE="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libbz2_static.a" \
    -D OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static"                          \
    -D OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include"               \
    -D OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libcrypto.a"    \
    -D OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libssl.a"          \
    -D LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include/libxml2"       \
    -D LIBXML2_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libxml2.a"             \
    -D PCRE2_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include"                 \
    -D PCRE2_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libpcre2-8.a"            \
    -D NCURSES_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include/ncurses"       \
    -D CURSES_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libncurses.a"           \
    -D ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include"                  \
    -D ZLIB_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libz.a"                   \
    -D LIBCHECK_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include"              \
    -D LIBCHECK_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libcheck.a"

Tip: Note the use of CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_RELEASE and CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE. Feel free to only use the one you need for whichever platform you're targeting. You should increase the release version number if re-releasing a new package of the same ClamAV version.


make -j12

It's a good idea to run the public test suite at this point:

ctest -V

To make the RPM package for RPM-based distributions, you'll need the rpmbuild tool, which you can install with yum install rpm-build. Then run:

cpack -G RPM

To make the DEB package for Debian-based distributions, run:

cpack -G DEB


Note: The macOS instructions depend on Xcode, which is required to build the arm64 + x86_64 "universal" binaries. You may need to install it from the macOS app store. Be sure to run it once to accept the EULA before you proceed.

First, install Mussels:

python3 -m pip install --user mussels

Mussels also requires Git, so if you don't have that installed, install it now.

Now to use Mussels, run:

# This requires Git, and will clone the the "clamav" and "scrapbook" cookbooks.
msl up

# This is to enable running the scripts in the clamav cookbook to build the clamav dependencies.
msl cookbook trust -y clamav

# This is just to get you in a small directory so Mussels don't spend forever searching your harddrive for build recipes.
mkdir tmp && cd tmp

# First try a dry-run. If you're missing any tools, it will tell you.
# If you have everything, it will give you a list of the order it plans to build everything.
msl build -t host-static clamav_deps --dry-run

# Then do the build.
msl build -t host-static clamav_deps

So assuming you've now build the clamav dependencies, you should be ready to build ClamAV.

In a Git clone of the clamav source (or the extracted source tarball from a release), create a build subdirectory and open a terminal in that build directory.

Run the following...

Configure (generate the build system):

cmake .. \
    -G Xcode                                                                            \
    -D CLAMAV_SIGN_FILE=ON                                                              \
    -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="arm64;x86_64"                                           \
    -D CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG=TRUE                                            \
    -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static"                           \
    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr/local/clamav"                                         \
    -D CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr/local"                                      \
    -D CMAKE_MODULE_PATH="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/cmake"                 \
    -D ENABLE_EXAMPLES=OFF                                                              \
    -D JSONC_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include/json-c"            \
    -D JSONC_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libjson-c.a"               \
    -D ENABLE_JSON_SHARED=OFF                                                           \
    -D BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include"                   \
    -D BZIP2_LIBRARY_RELEASE="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libbz2_static.a"   \
    -D OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static"                            \
    -D OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include"                 \
    -D OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libcrypto.a"      \
    -D OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libssl.a"            \
    -D LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include/libxml2"         \
    -D LIBXML2_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libxml2.a"               \
    -D PCRE2_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include"                   \
    -D PCRE2_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libpcre2-8.a"              \
    -D CURSES_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include"                  \
    -D CURSES_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libncurses.a"             \
    -D ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include"                    \
    -D ZLIB_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libz.a"                     \
    -D LIBCHECK_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/include"                \
    -D LIBCHECK_LIBRARY="$HOME/.mussels/install/host-static/lib/libcheck.a"


cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo

It's a good idea to run the public test suite at this point:

ctest -C RelWithDebInfo -V

Now, to make the installer, just run:

cpack -C RelWithDebInfo

This will generate the PKG installer package.


For tips on installing development tools for Windows, see the development build instructions.

First, install Mussels:

python3 -m pip install --user mussels

Mussels also requires Git, so if you don't have that installed, install it now.

Tip: You may receive a warning that installed scripts are not in your PATH environment variable. I strongly recommend adding the Scripts directory described to your PATH. After which, you may run Mussels using msl on the command line instead of typing python3 -m mussels, which is exceedingly tedious ;-).

Now to use Mussels, run:

# This requires Git, and will clone the the "clamav" and "scrapbook" cookbooks.
msl up

# This is to enable running the scripts in the clamav cookbook to build the clamav dependencies.
msl cookbook trust -y clamav

# This is just to get you in a small directory so Mussels don't spend forever searching your harddrive for build recipes.
mkdir tmp && cd tmp

# First try a dry-run. If you're missing any tools, it will tell you.
# If you have everything, it will give you a list of the order it plans to build everything.
msl build clamav_deps --dry-run

# Then do the build.
msl build clamav_deps

# By default, this build will be for x64*
# If you want to build for x86, run:
msl build -t x86 clamav_deps

*For Windows, our recipes only provide two build targets: x64 and x86. We don't as of yet have an x64-static variant for the recipes. You'll probably want x64, which is the default.

So assuming you've now build the clamav dependencies, you should be ready to build ClamAV.

In a Git clone of the clamav source (or the extracted source tarball from a release), create a build subdirectory and open a Powershell terminal in that build directory.

Run the following, replacing "2019" and "Community" with different versions or editions as needed to match your Visual Studio installation...

Configure (generate the build system):

pushd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\Tools"
cmd /c "VsDevCmd.bat -arch=amd64 & set" |
foreach {
  if ($_ -match "=") {
    $v = $_.split("="); set-item -force -path "ENV:\$($v[0])"  -value "$($v[1])"
Write-Host "`nVisual Studio Command Prompt variables set." -ForegroundColor Yellow

cmake ..  -G Ninja -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="RelWithDebInfo" `
    -D ENABLE_EXAMPLES=OFF                                                   `
    -D ENABLE_JSON_SHARED=OFF                                                `
    -D JSONC_INCLUDE_DIR="$home\.mussels\install\x64\include\json-c"         `
    -D JSONC_LIBRARY="$home\.mussels\install\x64\lib\json-c.lib"             `
    -D BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR="$home\.mussels\install\x64\include"                `
    -D BZIP2_LIBRARY_RELEASE="$home\.mussels\install\x64\lib\libbz2.lib"     `
    -D CURL_INCLUDE_DIR="$home\.mussels\install\x64\include"                 `
    -D CURL_LIBRARY="$home\.mussels\install\x64\lib\libcurl_imp.lib"         `
    -D OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="$home\.mussels\install\x64"                         `
    -D OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR="$home\.mussels\install\x64\include"              `
    -D OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY="$home\.mussels\install\x64\lib\libcrypto.lib" `
    -D ZLIB_LIBRARY="$home\.mussels\install\x64\lib\libssl.lib"              `
    -D LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR="$home\.mussels\install\x64\include\libxml2"      `
    -D LIBXML2_LIBRARY="$home\.mussels\install\x64\lib\libxml2.lib"          `
    -D PCRE2_INCLUDE_DIR="$home\.mussels\install\x64\include"                `
    -D PCRE2_LIBRARY="$home\.mussels\install\x64\lib\pcre2-8.lib"            `
    -D CURSES_INCLUDE_DIR="$home\.mussels\install\x64\include"               `
    -D CURSES_LIBRARY="$home\.mussels\install\x64\lib\pdcurses.lib"          `
    -D PThreadW32_INCLUDE_DIR="$home\.mussels\install\x64\include"           `
    -D PThreadW32_LIBRARY="$home\.mussels\install\x64\lib\pthreadVC2.lib"    `
    -D ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR="$home\.mussels\install\x64\include"                 `
    -D ZLIB_LIBRARY="$home\.mussels\install\x64\lib\zlibstatic.lib"          `
    -D LIBCHECK_INCLUDE_DIR="$home\.mussels\install\x64\include"             `
    -D LIBCHECK_LIBRARY="$home\.mussels\install\x64\lib\checkDynamic.lib"



It's a good idea to run the public test suite at this point:

ctest -C RelWithDebInfo -V

Now, to make the installer, just run:

cpack -C RelWithDebInfo

This will generate both the ZIP and the MSI installer packages.